RACK Philosophy - Responsibility

CrossView has a Responsible Group and Responsible Person structure. (A Responsible Person is a member of a Responsible Group). Most transactions can be sent automatically to either a Responsible Person or to a Responsible Group. In the latter case, the Manager of a Responsible Group can then allocate a person to do the task. CrossView has four work flow transaction types to assist in the responsible management of service objectives: Incident Evaluation, Action Item, Service Request and Suggestion/Query. An Incident Evaluation is created to review an event that had "severe" affect on service objectives. Responsible parties are invited to a meeting to discuss the event and to develop actions (Action Items) to ensure that the event is not repeated. (For example, it might be that a change was made in a critical period and the right parties did not get a chance to approve the change. It might be that a problem occurred which affected service delivery and there was no process in place to ensure urgent remedial action.) The Action Item is then allocated to the responsible group or person. The accountability chain continues from the problem, to the review (Incident Evaluation) and the resulting action (Action Item).

A Suggestion/Query enables CrossView users to be thoughtful about their working environment. The suggestion may be a simple work flow suggestion, or something of wider ramification, such as departmental or activity consolidation. 

A Service Request transaction can be used by an authorized person who wishes to request an activity in their department; it can be as simple as a phone alteration, or as complex as the development of a new system. It is normally evaluated, quoted and approved by a department or business head.